Why Am I So Sore?
Pain is your body's feedback to something going wrong but sometimes it's a necessary evil. Telling the difference between a "good sore" and a "bad sore" can be difficult, even for an experienced gym rat.

Muscle Rupture -- A muscle rupture may range from minor fissures to major separations. The minor fissures happen naturally during working out and recovery will happen naturally over the course of several days. Often soreness from a minor fissure may take a day or two to become noticeable. A major separation will be immediately noticeable and extremely painful; if it is a complete tear/rupture the muscle may retract and require imminent surgery. With any muscle rupture, proper nutrition is a must for full recovery. Peptides such as TB-500, BPC-157 as well as Human Growth Hormone and adequate levels of testosterone will expedite recovery.
Muscle Cramp -- A muscle cramp is a temporary seizure of muscle fiber, where the muscle is activated and unable to release/relax. Muscle cramps are often a sign of dehydration, lack of potassium or electrolytes.
Tendon/Ligament Rupture -- Tendon and ligament ruptures (tears) may be mild or moderate in pain, or extremely painful. Most ruptures will heal on their own with rest but may take weeks or months before full recovery is achieved. Major ruptures of these harder connective tissue is extremely painful and may actually be audible--that is, you may actually hear a loud pop. Immediate surgery is required for major ruptures. Healing may be assisted with research peptides such as TB-500, BPC-157 or Human Growth Hormone, although most physicians are reluctant to prescribe such products unless they have sports-medicine experience.
Labaral Tear -- Labaral tears are when the labrum (a rubbery tissue that pads ball joints such as shoulders and hips) is torn. It is extremely difficult for labrum to heal because this tissue, similar to tendons and ligaments, lack significant blood vessels needed to supply nutrients required for repair. In some cases surgery may be required if the pieces of labrum aren't lying nicely next to each other. And again, peptides such as TB-500, BPC-157 or Human Growth Hormone (HGH) may speed recovery, if recovery is possible. In some cases once a labrum is torn it may never heal.
Bursitis -- Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae, small fluid filled sacs that pad joints. Bursitis in athletes is rarely caused by infections but rather by improper form or overuse. NSAIDs such as aspirin or ibuprofen may be useful in decreasing inflammation. Time is required for recovery.
Some doctors will recommend cortisone shots for joint pain and inflammation. I strongly recommend against cortisone unless absolutely necessary because cortisone can cause muscle atrophy, cortisone is a temporary fix, and often times the result is more damage to the joint.
I do not recommend anyone take any drug that they aren't comfortable using, including research chemicals, peptides, SARMs, steroids or other prescription drugs. Do your research and talk to a knowledgeable healthcare professional. And yes, I mean knowledgeable--you'd be surprised how many doctors have asked me for information and advice on these topics while others have dismissed them out of hand as dangerous without having ever heard of them before.
It's your body, your health, your responsibility and when working with a healthcare professional you're not just the patient, you're part of the team.